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Webpage Block Editing

I've had my webpage up for about 2 weeks now. I'm using the Basic Hosting Service. When I go into edit the content of a block on any given page there is no text there to edit. I have to start from scratch. What gives? Shouldn't previously posted text be there so I can edit the content? Is there a work around? Am I doing something wrong? Please advise. Thanks.

Re: Webpage Block Editing

"content of a block"??

Sorry, I really don't understand what you mean by that. It sounds as if you have a problem with the mechanics of a particular piece of web page building software. but you haven't told us what it is.

Bravenet lets you use any of the hundreds of web page builders on the market and they all have their little differences.

Re: Webpage Block Editing

Thank you for responding. Okay, I'm new to this. I'm subscribing to the basic service package and I use the website management tools. I'm just using a web template. Within these templates there are four "Blocks" that I create the content of my webpage in. Mine is a lot of text. Now when I go into edit a previously created block there is no text or only the first line of my previous text shows up. If I can't see what I previously posted I can't edit the contents. So in order to edit it I have to replace the entire contents and recreate all my links etc... Any suggestions?

Re: Webpage Block Editing

You're saying that the main box for placing text for your site is empty whenever you open the editing screen?

Yes, this happens with me too... slow server I think, for some reason it seems to lose the conenction while loading up my text in the editing page and only some of the text shows up on my webpage and sometiomes none at all.

Sometimes if you're patient it catches up on its own but it not simply hit the back button in your browser and try again, this is only an editing screen, not the actual online content so you needn't retype it all each time... just hit back and open the edit window again.

The text you originally put in before publishing your site last will always be there until you save the changes made to the editor (be careful with this ebcause if the editor only loads part of or none of your text and you dont notice then it will save that instead of the text that should be there!)

So remember next time this happens just back up and try again... I also suggest highlighting and copying all your text before saving, just in case something goes wrong, then you dont have to type it all again.

The Founder

Re: Webpage Block Editing

Thank you! I'll give it a try. You may be saving me tons of drudgery. I appreciate your support.

Re: Webpage Block Editing

Sometimes you have to hit the refresh button under the view part of the browswer.

Visited you website and it seemed to be all right.

Sometimes the browser gets stuck!

Interesting website.