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webpage not scrolling down smoothly, all choppy

I have a problem with my home page, it has alot of text on it with 4 pictures spread out throughout the page. what happens as I'm scrolling down the page it just doesn't scroll down smoothly,the page breaks down and shifts as i'm scrolling down,its all choppy and when i try to scroll back up it just looks crappy.
need some killer help here on this one people. sound techinical or good clean advise is needed,lol any help i can get would be greatly appricated. I'm sure this has happened to some other people also. Much success to everyone here on their websites and once again thanks for responding.

Re: webpage not scrolling down smoothly, all choppy

Without being able to see your site I can't be sure but I suspect that the problem is with your PC.

Do some serious housekeeping. Defrag your hard disk. Reboot your PC and check before you start up anything else. If that doesn't sort it then post a link so that others can see the affect on their machines.