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Linking additional pages

I can't get my second page to show up linked to my first. How do I get to my additional pages and get the links to show on the first page?

Re: Linking additional pages

OK...the preview shows the second page....but when i actually go to the page it's not there

Re: Linking additional pages

I am having same problem u r!! Hope & wish someone reads this & answers.I have posted a ticket,,yesterday afternoon,NO ANSWER yet,do know it is wkend,maybe by Monday I will get news on it. I sure would love to finish my site.
click & c if u can view it,,I will do the same 4 yours,,,.

Re: Linking additional pages

When you make a new page first check that you are managing the right domain from the drop down box at the top, once you're sure then simply click 'add new page' and go through the usual proccess of designing the page, once you're done a link to that page will be automatically added to your homepage... don't forget to publish your site first or the changes you make will not come into effect on your website.

Click publish website, then click it again after it displays the updated files to be uploaded, you shouldn't need to tick anything, once you have published it your pages should be in place.

If you want to add a link to your subdomain however just copy the URL for your subdomain then go to 'add links' and paste the URL in and give it a name, then the subdomain will be linked to your hompage too.

If none of that works then there may eb a fault andf you should contact Bravenet support center and get yourself a ticket, you can find a link to the support center at the top of the screen when typing a reply in these threads and probably in the forum itself too.

Best of luck :)

The Founder

Re: Linking additional pages

O.K.I guess we r not going 2 get any help.Have 2 do it on my own,,,MUST be something very difficult,,I have asked the question 4 times including on your posting.No answer yet.CAN I ask u how u did it Ronnie???How did u link them?? WOULD sure love oyur help & be very grateful.

Re: Linking additional pages

AM I JUST PLAIN DUMB???Founder!!!I do know I am new at this,,,BUT I am lost.WHERE do u find "add new page"??? u r really going to find me dumb....I will also after u tell me where & I am probably looking rite at it.

Re: Linking additional pages

Need to know what editor you are using for your website.

If you are using the editors that Bravenet provides the Wizard automatically creates links to the pages that you add but you can have only seven pages usually in the wizard.

The other editor that that bravenet uses functions like this:

First view the page and copy the address of the page that appears in the address box.

Go to the editor and click that you want to edit on the visual side.

Now do you want to link to pages by the side bar or by the title of the pages? Which ever just click on the hyperlink icon and a pop up window appears just paste the address for the page you wish to link to there.

Then test out your link. If you have a problem with this go to my website and email me.

Re: Linking additional pages

Sorrry But i do not have your e/m or website.Mine is & my e/m is ,,, u can check it out & c if the link worked.I don't think it did.I did as u said.I am so duhh,really not pleased with myself.I have worked so many hrs. on this that I have lost count.Please help me,,OR I am going to give up....