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Title Problems

Im having problems with my title. When I view my website it's showing up where part of my title is shifting down to the next line (even though there is plenty of space on the line it is on) almost as if it's too long?! It's moving it out of the colored frame it's in so it looks really bad. Anyone have any ideas what to do since I can't do anything other than enter the title text when I go to site info? email me at if so. thanks

Re: Title Problems

The bad news is, unless you make your title shorter, your out of luck on this one.

The Theme you chose, in the Website Wizard, sets the width of the title area to 250 pixels. Anything over that is going to cause the text to wrap to a new line. If this was almost anything other than a Website Wizard creation, you would be able to adjust the style setting, but the Website Wizard doesn't give you the access.