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photos unable to be used/published. They have an "X" behind them??

I have a question about uploading photos to my website.
Some photos I upload to My photo folder are able to be used and others are not. I noticed that the photos that I am not able to get to display to be able to chose them for the visual display are the ones with an "X" listed after them. They are photos of my horses and farm stuff. Some of them I preview them and can see them but when I go to edit the material on my webpage in the visual editor and I try to chose a photo it won't bring it up.
Other photos I preview in file manager and the title of the photo is there, but there is an error page instead of the photo.
When I talk about photos with an X behind them or photos that have an error message instead of a photo, I mean photos that I have not published to my webpage yet. I am trying to publish them but am not having any luck.

Any tips or suggestions?