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Cannot see my total Front page - Please ... this is a big ????

I've checked every thing out I know at my end ...
probably can't see what I am suppose to be spoting the trouble.

But, my Website ... does not go thru it's complete loading procedure. Please read the other post on the same subject.
This means others cannot see it either ... this is not good.
Being an online magazine ... supporting other writers and authors
and poets.

Re: Cannot see my total Front page - Please ... this is a big ????

All fixed!

Gee, bet you wonder what I did?

Finally got wise, restarted my imac ... and now everything shows up just
fine. Hopefully.

Please make sure you can view and it all looks intact.
Thank you!

Re: Cannot see my total Front page - Please ... this is a big ????

didn't type my url correctly ...

now its correct!