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Does anybody ccc My SITE

Hi,this is my frontpage,AS I study how to go to the next level(adding a second page.)LET me know if anyone sees' it??ANY comments???THANK U,,FREINDS

Re: Does anybody ccc My SITE

It's there ... in all its glory!

good going!
C.L. Mareydt

Re: Does anybody ccc My SITE

I see the first but not the second

Re: Does anybody ccc My SITE

Yeh, it's there! Nice one, only got the main page though, stick at it, well done!

Re: Does anybody ccc My SITE

Thank u all who did view my site.(thanks for the compliments also.)U r rite u did not connect to second or third,,, I have them done BUT NOW I SURE would love it if someone could help me connect pages. IT sure would be nice. Thanks again,.GB