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How 2 add second page

NEED HELP,how can I add second page,may sound dumb,,but need to add thumbnail photos on second page.
website is
IF anyone wants to have a look at it& help me out.EVEN rate the first place can help me.thank u all,

Re: How 2 add second page

The short answer is to "save as" a different file name when you create the second page.

Clearly you are having a problem some particular page building software. Bravenet makes no restriction on what software you use to build your site and you haven't told us what you are using. Give some detail and somebody will probably be able to help.

Re: How 2 add second page

FIRST Thank U Peter 4 answering me.I am not using any particular software.MY only software is adobe photoshop & arcsoft...THAT should not help u any...SO should I just start another page? with template? & how do I link them together??

Re: How 2 add second page

Peter,I am not using any software except bravenets,,.I am really a NEWBIE at this.CAN u help??? BEEN working 4 the last 20 hrs.studying & doing & just not going anywhere.I have uploaded another template with thumbnail fotos on it,,,BUT how do i link it with the first??I really would like to get this done,PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP???I have posted a ticket yesterday,No news on it yet.

Re: How 2 add second page

Just click 'Add new page' and follow the instructions it's pretty straight forward...

Re: How 2 add second page

from the members area click manage hosting, then website wizard, and then click add page

Re: How 2 add second page

IF It makes a difference,I am not working with the wizard,but with a template.AND I still need help,tired save page,did not work.tred many things as they have suggested,no go...OR I don't c it...u can have a look if u have time,, thank u all 4 your help...