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Log of traffic?


I'm wondering if there is any way one can get a log of one's website traffic? I think I may have somebody hotlinking and someone suggested I download my weblog and look at that. I'm wondering if there is a way I can do that. I've searched but haven't found anything yet.


Re: Log of traffic?

Bravenet does not provide full logging. The hit counter service will give you details of page views but won't help on hot-linking.

There is no Google type search that will identify hot links. If you suspect that it is happening then the best you can do is rename image files (and the callouts on your pages of course). If you have an idea which images are being stolen you can always substitute something that will make the thief's site look silly with the old name(s).

but also ...

You didn't quote your site address. Hotlinking is only possible on the paid service, if you have a free site then Bravenet block it as it affects their advertising income.

Re: Log of traffic?

Thanks for the responses! Answers my question.

I do have paid service, so it's possible someone is hotlinking.

*goes to rename everything*