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im so lost!

Alright, Im going to try to explain this the easiest way possible. On my main webpage there is a navigation bar with links to all my web on one of those pages (not the main page) ..the Auto Parts page I want people to be able to look at the different sections and have those linked to pages...but whenever I create a page it shows up on my main do I get those to NOT show up on my main page but the page I want them to.

Hope I didn't confuse you guys to much.

Re: im so lost!

I have been woring this web site for over 2 weeks and I don't think you can do what you are wanting to do. I think it is to help viewers always navagaite back to the home page or other pages of interest.

good luck.


if I am wrong, please contact me. Thanks

Re: Re: im so lost!

The only editor that automatically links pages together is the Wizard. All pages are automatically linked to the navigation bar in the Wizard. In any other browser you create the links yourself.