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free site

I used to have a pro site and had little trouble. Things happen and I have been off line and let it expire. Now I have a free site and cannot even access it. When I go into the file manager this is what it says-The Bravenet FTP server is not available at this time. Please try again later. (Authentication Failed for 306947626/*****) This has been going on for two weeks. When I try to do anything, it says that I haven't registered my site. Then when I go to register, it says I am already registered. I this just there was of trying to get me to purchase a pro site again? Thanks,

Re: free site

Sounds as if you should raise a ticket and get Bravenet to sort it out.

Re: free site

Hey..I have been working on my new fee site..and then I tried to access it as if I was a visitor and it says that I need to regester a domain name.
I'm confussed..I thought It was all free. Is there a way to publish my site on the net for free or not?

Re: Re: free site

Bravenet provide free subdomains with their free hosting.

Since you haven't supplied the address of where you think your site is supposed to be there is no way that anyone here can see what is happening.