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Message forum, Please Help!! Please

Hi can you help me?!?

I need to kow how to do 2 things.

1. when you post a message, how can u edit it? e.g. correct spelling.


how do u lock a thread and sticky it?
This what i thought u had to do
1) log in
2)click on message forum
3)click on delete messages
4)click on the message u want to lock
5)click lock or stickey at bottom, BUT IT ISNT THERE!

Please help please thanks josh

Re: Message forum, Please Help!! Please

This is from the Message Forum FAQ.

19. How can I edit a posting on my Message Forum?

You cannot edit the Forum entries, you can only perform a message deletion.

So, if you want to correct any spelling, delete it and post it again. If your creating informational posts, it's best to create them in an application with a spell checker first, then cut and paste it to the forum.

When you log into your Bravenet Account Manager, click on the Message Forum service manager, and the click on "delete messages", you should see a list of all your messages. Clicking a message title, should list the message for you and show you the "sticky" and "lock" links. You should see something like the following:

Message: Yadada Yadada Yadada ......

Replies:    Unlock This Thread (Locked threads prevent new replies)
                Sticky This Thread (Sticky threads always show at top of page)

The example above is just a fake out, so the links don't really work, but this is what I see in all of my messages. The information will change slightly if the posting is already "sticky" or "locked".