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How can I link to another site?

I used to have a direct link to another site that I had photos on...well, I recently switch to a new "design" For my site and now the link is no longer there!? What can I do to get that back up>?

Re: How can I link to another site?

without knowing how to look at your site then no one can help you much.

It would help if you gave the URL so someone can check and see what they can find?


sorry, here it is>
I used to have it fixed so tht when you clicked on a certain button it went directly to a webshots site that contained my photos. Now, that button is not there and I can't figure out/remember how I did it the last time!

Re: How can I link to another site?

Carla, I looked at your website and tried the link to webshots, everything worked fine--and your cakes look delicious!

Re: How can I link to another site?

It seems like a really common issue that often our own computers cache the pages and after we edit we see some old version of the page and think our site is all messed up....

I ALWAYS try to refresh my view while working on my site try hitting "Ctrl" and "F5" to force your computer to show you the MOST recent version of your pages....I also had no problem seeing your pictures and I WANT CAKE NOW
