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Publishing, Please i Need Help

Ok, i go to edit padges, change wat i want, the click save changes, then click publish and it says, congratulations web site published (or watever it says) THEN WHEN I LOOK AT MY SITE NOHING HAS CHANGED? Why is this?Please help!"!

Re: Publishing, Please i Need Help

You are looking at an old copy on your computer instead of the new copy from the site. Press CTRL-F5 to reload your page into your computer from the site.

Re: Publishing, Please i Need Help

ive tried (changed and published), still dosnt work, have a look at ive just changed it, with the names it should say "Ross T" and it should have "" and "" at the side but it dosnt

Re: Publishing, Please i Need Help

Any1 no?
When i go to hosting, the wizard down the bottom it says preview and publish site, its all changed there and up 2 date, but it isnt when u go to the actually web site