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Help! Help! Big problems with journal

Can we change the looks of our journal and our without having to scrap the whole thing and start over.

In my guestbook, I tried to put some pictures in the wrong section and now I want to get rid of them. How do I do that without scraping the whole journal?
Also I designed my journal with a Halloween motif but want to change it with the seasons. Is this possible?

Please help. Drop by the site so you can see what I am talking about. In the journal there is this funny pointy think that goes back and forth in two sections. I want to get rid of that. How can I put pictures in my journal?

Can I change its scheme without scraping it?

Re: Help! Help! Big problems with journal

That funny pointy thing is the top of the hat for a witch image that you inserted in one of the background blocks, while in the "look and feel" editing area. I was going to tell you to go to your journal service manager and remove the image, until I tried it and found out that, once you insert the image, it won't go away.

In the "look and feel" area I added a image background, just like yours, and tried to remove it by going back and simply removing the reference. But that doesn't work. The only way I was able to get rid of it was to first remove the image reference, save my work, and then go back and put in a reference to an image that doesn't exist. Then the images went away.