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Houston, we have a problem.

About 15 minutes ago at 2:40 A.M. Eastern Time, I was in my file manager program and making chnages.I would find between 3 and 7 or more examples of the exact same file and certain ones that I knew to be there not listed at all. When I first encountered one of these I deleted one of them and all 3 were erased causing me to lose it entirely. When I want to replace it with a new file (it was an html file) the new file would create but neither the file size nore the edit icon would display in the file manager. Also the unlisted files, would display. All of this happened across file types.

Re: Houston, we have a problem.

Have you tried openning a support ticket to ask Bravenet staff what happened?

Re: Re: Houston, we have a problem.

No, I figured that I needn't go to Defcon 3 before I use 1 and 2

Re: Re: Re: Houston, we no longer have a problem.

It appears that there is a Bravenet Fairy.

Well I am glad that is fixed. I was only joking when I used to refer to the "file mangler"