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Domain sorta registered

I bought 5 years of Basic hosting, plus the domain name
I thought domain registration was free for the first year. Is it?
I registered a new domain; it was not transferred.
I registered it exactly a week ago. Did I wait long enough?
I can upload files via FTP or the File Manager. I can create files using the Getting Started wizard. I have an index.html. I even made sure that it was index.html and not index.htm. I made sure to click all the SAVE and PUBLISH WEBSITE buttons. Yet, it never shows up.
I filed a support ticket and was ignored.

Re: Domain sorta registered

Ignored? What is the status of the ticket? How long ago did you raise it? Remember that Bravenet are in western Canada so you need to allow for time differences when determining what opportunity they have had to deal with the issue.

If you haven't received a mail to advise you of the ticket number then that means either:
1. You made a typo when entering your email address on the ticket
2. There is a problem with your email account.

Re: Domain sorta registered

I filed it at 10:30 AM Central Time on Friday. I requested a list of open support tickets; it said there were none, open or closed.

Re: Domain sorta registered

I bought my domain name 2 weeks ago and it is still not valid but I can use it because it is taken. I mean I checked to see if it was in use. They will eventually tell you that they are on the problme. I thought it would take less time. Their claim was 24 hours and then up to 7 days for a register to go through.