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The Photoshop Query at Hand

Ok, so there are lots of free templates that you can download on the net and stuff right? You can edit a lot of these with photoshop and stuff. My question is, once you have edited a template that you like with photoshop, how do you go about putting that on your website? I can upload it as a jpeg, but then it's one image, and I cannot make anything a hyperlink or anything. Is it even possible to upload the file to bravenet, then to edit it? If not, then why would they allow you to edit your template with photoshop?

I apologize if this is a repeated topic. I rememeber seeing something liek this a while back, but I couldn't exactly remember where.

Re: The Photoshop Query at Hand

I don't use Photoshop myself but I can't see what the problem is about getting a graphics file out of a graphics editor.

If you want an html file then use an html editor such as Front Page or Netscape Composer.

All files upload to Bravenet in exactly the same way so it you can upload a jpeg then you know how to upload anything else.

Re: The Photoshop Query at Hand

That's exactly my problem, I don't want it to be a graphics file, I want it to be an html file. I don't know how to use dreamweaver and stuff. I have it, but it totally doesn't make any sense to me. Photoshop is easy.
