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If i go to my website from a different computer, the setting and layout of the text and the images changes and therefore is not in the correct places. this is do i make sure its fixed??

Please Help!

Re: Setting

that happens to me aswell, but on other computers if I put the pointer over the navigation bar the layout goes back to normal, hope i helped, and please can you help with my problem, it's entitled 'search engine' and is above your problem, thanks.

Browser: msn messenger,3

Re: Setting

Achmed, first of all I wish you good luck with your website, it is unique and appropriate. The problem that you identify points out an important difficulty in desiging websites. There are three major browsers in use, (IE, Netscape, and Mozilla), each of which display subtle differences in their interpretation of code. Moreover, different computers have different screen resolutions (800x600, 1024x768)all of which combine to produce different results when viewing a page. You can only hope for a happy medium.