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How do I upload the site?! I can't believe this..I do not see "upload" anywhere

I'm a little nervous - I've spent a ton of time doing this - and can't find the upload anywhere.

I also can't find it to get back into it to edit!

Re: How do I upload the site?! I can't believe this..I do not see "upload" anywhere

If you want to upload then, be definition, you must have been using a PC based editor such as Front Page or Dreamweaver. The files are wherever you saved them on your PC, use the normal Windows search functions to find them if you have forgotten where you saved them.

To upload from your PC to Bravehost you can use File Manager, the FTP applet or any third party FTP software on your PC.

Re: How do I upload the site?! I can't believe this..I do not see "upload" anywhere

So, after I finish the pages, unlike other sites - there isn't a button that says "upload" to my computer???

Re: Re: How do I upload the site?! I can't believe this..I do not see "upload" anywhere

You download to your computer from your site or upload from your computer to your site. In either case the best way to do it is to use an FTP program.

Re: How do I upload the site?! I can't believe this..I do not see "upload" anywhere

Did you use the editor that Bravenet provided? If you did then when you get to the end of editing your page it says finish website and publish. There is also an icon when you first enter the site after you sign in that says publish. Try that out if you created your website in bravenet.