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How can I geth in to my site to make some changes

as I trie to find the way in to my site I can't find it on my account there is no edit page button!!!
Please help


Re: How can I geth in to my site to make some changes


It would be helpful if you could leave the address of your website so that others can check and see what we get?

In order to tell you how to edit your site we need to know what you used to create it. Did you use the Bravenet Website Wizard or the File Manager or some other program? The answer to your question would depend on what you used to make the site in the first place....

If you used the Bravenet Wizard then after you LOG on you are in the "Memebers Area" Click on the little house that says "Manage Hosting" Then Click on the little Wizard Hat for the Website Wizard.

On the second row at the left you will find "Edit Your Pages"....
