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After a year do you have to pay to have a website?

If register a website after a year will i have to start paying???

Re: After a year do you have to pay to have a website?

I would like to know the answer to that also!

Re: Re: After a year do you have to pay to have a website?

If you register for the paid service levels then you pay from day 1. If you register for the free service then it says free.

Re: After a year do you have to pay to have a website?

ya, u have to pay for it after one year...i.e. 8.75$/year....if u r using free service then u need not pay anything for it.....
well my name is preetam....r u frm the web-designing..field....if yes then....u can help me....if u r interested ....reply the following e-mail id:-