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can`t copy & paste my horoscope to my web site!

hi, i`m trying to copy & paste my horoscope to my site but i`m havin problems. you see my web site is on msn but msn is not one of the choices. can u help?

Re: can`t copy & paste my horoscope to my web site!

Click on horoscope. After you have registered, I assume you have you click and go to the bottom of the page that says you have registered successfully.

All you have to do is click the button that says copy and paste.

Go to the editor you used and paste your horoscope in on the HTML side. This should do it. Let me know what happens!

How about visiting my site and telling me what you think in the the comments or even better signing into my journal.

I would really appreciate it. If you have any suggestions as to what I can add to make WebSpeaks more interesting let me know.

Hope I helped.