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Published Site On Dreamweaver

Ok i Published The Site On Dreamweaver And When I Go To I can see the images because i already have the images on my computer well I uploaded the images and People Say They Cant See The Images Only Text please HELP......Pro Hosting

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

Well I copied and pasted your site address and could get to it.

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

Justin, your problem is simple. You have incorrect file locations on all of your images; in other words, the path is identified as "C:My Documents.... or something to that effect. You will need to edit the HTML to properly identify the path to your images.

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

Hey, I'm having the same problem, is there any way you could expand on that?

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

well, without knowing the file structure of your site, its hard to be specific, but in essence, when you insert a graphic or image into your website, you have to correctly identify where that file is located. the HTML looks like
if all of your files are located in the same folder as your index page, the HTML for a picture named "pict.jpg" would look like

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

sorry i forgot that you cannot type HTML code in forum entries. Just remember to delete all references to your "C" drive's files and folders.

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver


You can use HTML in these forums. If you don't want it interpreted and just displayed, you need to modify it slightly. You basically do the same thing you would do in a web page to make the code visable. To make the code visable, replace all occurences of the left arrow, <, with the string <. This will allow you to show code like the following, without the forum swallowing it up. Some pieces of code have to be handled other ways, but replacing the left bracket handles most situations.

Link to Somewhere

Justin & Jax,

But the real question is about no seeing the images. Macmac is correct that the image references are incorrect, because they are trying to specify a image on the hard drive, instead of on the web site. For example, one of the tags on Justin's web page looks like this:

The highlighted portion is a reference to his hard drive. This works fine on his PC, but when it's on his web site, the internet can't see his hard drive. But just going in and deleting all the references to the C: drive, is not necessarily the answer.

The reference needs to be fixed within Dreamweaver and then upload the web pages and images again. If you don't fix it on your PC, the next time you upload, you will have the same problem. The common way to create web pages is to have everything in one sub directory on your hard drive. This means that all the images need to be there as well. If you try to add an image that is outside your working subdirectory, Dreamweaver should give you a warning that the image is outside the root directory. This is how you get the C: references. If it was within the subdirectory your working in, it would have created a simple relative reference that would work on your PC and on your web site. Possibly something like the following.

Here is a link to a better explanation of Local file references and how to correct them within Dreamweaver.

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

I think you should just copy all images to same folder where is index located and everything should work,if not try again relink all images,just type nameofimage.jpg or some other format

Re: Published Site On Dreamweaver

I appreciate the info for blocking interpretation of code in this forum--<thanks>