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website does not exist...

hello bravenet members!!!

"Congratulations! Your website has
been published to the Internet!
To view your site, click on the link below:"

when I click on the link, my browser told me that the site does not exist.
Does anyone knows the reason?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you always.

Re: website does not exist...

having the same problem, someone help us

Re: website does not exist...

Did you check out to see if you have the right address for your website?

The address should show up where you worked on the site.

Also you may have neglected to publish the site. When you go back in go through all the steps and make sure that you look at the bottom of the page and hit publish site.

Go back in to where you worked on your website.

Where it says view a page click there and copy the address for that page. Put the address in the browser box and see if it comes up.

Sticky, this forum's moderator has some suggestions at the top of this page as to how to start.

Re: website does not exist...

i've done the step by step.
the original url is
by clicking on preview site comes this one...
by publishing the site, it shows me the wright url.
by clicking on it, happens nothing...

Re: website does not exist...

Sometimes there is an error on the registrar end with the domain registration. Open a ticket to find out what is going on.

Also, it can take up to 72hrs for your domain name to become active.

Re: website does not exist...

I can't see my site either!! ...Can someone see it?
I used one of bravenets templates,and understand after finished it is published??I am right?Can someone answer this OR see my site?? BE gald to get some answers.Thank u who ever can.

Browser: same problem

Re: website does not exist...

Kosta, I was able to see your site but it was all Greek to me (joke). it appears that your image on the home page is not being displayed, my be a problem with the file name or path.

Solo260 I also saw your website, so many ways to get rich quick! good luck