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FTP difficulties

When trying to upload files from my computer to the bravehost server via FrontPage's built-in FTP or a third-party FTP program, I get an error message 553: "cannot move or rename file, or file does not exist". Using bravehost's FTP applet, the files transfer fine. Martin? Peter? Steve? Anyone?

Re: FTP difficulties

No idea about using command line driven FTP but a third party program will not take you in to the same point in your account as the applet.

If you have a program that displays the target file structure (such as WS_FTP) then you will see a folder with your url on it. You need to open that before uploading.

Re: FTP difficulties

Peter, you've saved the day. By opening the recipient folder prior to transfer, the transaction was accomplished without a hitch. Thanks!

Please Help.


I have a problem with regards to my FTP connection. I'm currently using the software, "Web Page Maker V.2" I don't know if it is supported by bravenet..or the other way around...I don't know!

Everytime I try to publish my site through the software, this happens...

< 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
> USER 4090084034
< 331 User 4090084034 OK. Password required
> PASS *******
< 530 Authentication failed, sorry
Unable to establish a connection to server:

Publishing Failed !

By the way, I would like to be informed regarding my "billing history" shown in my account when I actually registered for a free account.

Kindly help me with this misunderstanding.

Thank you very much.

Ricky G.