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Help! Please give information now about megabytes

How many megabytes is 108.89 kilobytes?

Is there a limit on the number of pages we can have?

I thought we were limited according to magabytes

I need to know because my file says that I have exceeded the number of pages alloted.

Re: Help! Please give information now about megabytes

108.9 Kb is approximatley 0.10635 megs. Its not even close to one whole megabyte.

It depends on what service you are using free or paid.

I have never used the free service so I do not know, but from the description given you are alotted 50 megs of space.

The basic service alots 200000 files or 1000 megs of space.

Re: Help! Please give information now about megabytes

You see this is where I am confused.

I am under the allotment for my file size yet the wizard says no more pages. This is really confusing to me.

However since I plan to put a lot of things in my site the news you give me is really good.

Thank you so much. I have been looking for this info for a week.

Re: Help! Please give information now about megabytes

hey, my video is of 74 MB and I want to know if there is a place where I can attach it and post it in a guestbook, or if there is a way to minimize the size of the video.