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Password Gate

Is there any way that you can get actual ACCOUNTS for other people on your website. You know, like accounts on the forums, so you KNOW who's actually posting, not someone possibly pretending to be them? And, I'm confused on how the password gates work. I know how to put the gate on the page, but what page do you put it on? And, how can you be sure that it takes you to the correect page? If anyone has YIM, I would appreciate it if you could guide me through.

Browser: wolf_of_the_dead23,4

Re: Password Gate

You can use a forum that supports accounts for your visitors if you have the premium level hosting - phpBB is a good free one that you could use.

The password gate allows you to set a single password to protect a link between two pages. You specify the password and destination page in the service and then put the copy/paste code on the page where the password protected link is to appear.