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How are spammers finding my guestbook?

I signed up for a guestbook service (paid) for my wedding web site. I haven't given the URL to anyone yet. So how is it I'm getting numerous guestbook posts every day from spammers? I think they add comments to get my email address reply. I had to block incoming messages so I can individually screen them... I did not want to do this, this is my wedding guestbook for Christ's sake... what can I do to stop it?

And no, this isn't about having my email address published somewhere. This has nothing to do with email. It is my Guestbook URL that is published somewhere... but not by me.

Re: How are spammers finding my guestbook?

You are not clear on what you mean by spaming. Is it advertisement on guestbook or what.

If you paid for this service you should not be getting any advertisement.

If it is a paid service you should be able to get a ticket and get help from the Bravenet Staff. They need to know about this.

I believe you can block certain people or organizations from making entries into your guestbook also.

Re: How are spammers finding my guestbook?

If you have a questbook, it is on the "web". When spammers do a search for free questbook bravenet or such, the url will turn up. The only way to stop this is to have the settings for you to preview what show up on the questbook. I hope this helps! :) Trisha

Re: How are spammers finding my guestbook?

Trisha is correct and you'll find that utility for the settings at the following:

You'll find a utility there that says "edit messages".

Click and this will take you to where you can decide which messages to include. Don't you love it?

Re: How are spammers finding my guestbook?

Hope you got my reply. Took some time to find the answer. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

You can also set up where people will need to get a pass word to get into your site.

At the top of the forum you will find the box that you can put a key word about pass words. That will bring some comments up. There is also a section in the editors about this.

Be sure and copy that pass word down. Cut and past it by a computer application then make paper copies some where. That way if you should forget or miss key the pass word you will have it readily accessible.

Bless your heart! May you have as good or better marriage as I have had. I was very, very ,very lucky!

By the way, you can go back and delete the spam out of your guestbook. Just click onto your guestbook, and you'll find the edit part. There you can also delete the previous messages that are offensive.

Be sure and tell Bravenet by a ticket what is going on and you might put an attachment in an email to them.
Hope this works