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counter, photo album, calendar, vote caster, pass gate, why aint they showing?

Newbie here so plz be gentle..

went thru the walkthru and made my site, then added some of the registered services but when i go back to my site none are showing up on it, ive been over and over but cant see what i'm doing wrong, any help out there

Thx in advance,

Re: counter, photo album, calendar, vote caster, pass gate, why aint they showing?

Unless you post the url of your site in the field provided we can't see what you have done wrong either.

At the moment we have the software equivalent of your car not working and we don't know if it is out of gas, driven into a wall or you just didn't put the key in the ignition.

Re: counter, photo album, calendar, vote caster, pass gate, why aint they showing?

sarcasm is the lowest form of wit u kno! what if i dnt want you lookin? anyway no matter, thx for nothing, any1 with a brain would have said 'make sure your on the code view b4 adding the codes'
