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backgrounds on free service

I can only assume with the free service you can't use any fancy backgrounds - only solid colors.

If this is incorrect, can you tell me why my background images won't work.


Re: backgrounds on free service

They do work - view source of the page linked above.

Give us some details of what software you are using to create your site and exactly what problems you are experiencing.

Re: backgrounds on free service

Thanks, Peter........

Well, I'm actually making my pages in Word, then saving them as htm or html - then uploading them. Everything works perfectly except the background. For example: I had a background with tiny dots...once uploaded the color was there, but no dots!

Any suggestions, as I don't Frontpage or any of those type programs. I do know how to get the source code by open things with IE........but that still didn't work.

I also tried uploading the backgrounds and inserting them from visual editor - no luck - just a small thumbnail appears and if you enlarge it - doesn't look good at all.

Re: backgrounds on free service

in regards to this topic, if anyone knows what you do to put a picture as ur background on here let me know... i know the html code, and i tried that whole background color = transparent thin, but it didn't work

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