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Cant upload files

I'm trying to upload pictures but Its not working.I'm getting a message that reads "You may not upload files with the extension '.'!" I'm trying to upload several different jpg files. ANy suggestions?

Re: Cant upload files

Sounds like you didn't give the files names with a .jpg extension.

Re: Cant upload files

I checked that but they have the right extension. It still doesn't work.

Re: Cant upload files

I'm going to hazard a guess: check and make sure you didnt put an extra dot between the file name and the extension; like this: "picture..jpg"

Re: Cant upload files

I am having the same problem, i've tried uploading with several different 'right' extensions, but no joy yet. I'll let you know if i work it out...

Re: Cant upload files

If they are animated try the extension gif,if they are not try the bitmap extension. Either one should work.