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FTP! I dont uinderstand :(

Some one please help... I cant set up my FTP part from my computer. Someone please put a step by step on how to set it up...I use Microsoft Publisher though. like what do I put in the "name of FTP site" area and how to make sure it works

Re: FTP! I dont uinderstand :(

When you log into your Bravenet account click on the manage hosting icon. From there click on the FTP access Icon(looks like a little plug). Once there you
have 2 options. FTP accounts and FTP applet. ( see map on next line)

Log into account > Manage Hosting > FTP access > FTP accounts or Applet

On the FTP accounts page you will find your logon information for the FTP server. Here you can use Bravenet to open your FTP server or get your log
on ID and passowrd to use FTP from a third party program. For example I use a third party windows program to upload all of my files to the FTP server for website changes and updates. I rarley ever log into Bravenet for updates.

On the FTP Applet page you can open your computer files right on the screen. There will be 1 screen split down the middle. The left ones shows your local computer files and the right one shows your FTP folder on the server. You can navigate the left screen to find the files you wish to up load to the server. Highlite the files you wish to tranfer and
copy them over to your FTP folder(make sure your FTP folder is open first.)
NOTE: You must be JAVA enabled to use this option.