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I have signed up for the Free host......... After I enter my name & password at the top of page it takes me to Members Area.........................
How and where do i register so I can start on my page?
I have read all their info that was sent to me by e mail when i got my password. I do not need any of their extras cause i use html code whatever u call it.
And why do u need to register again after u have already signed up and got a pass word..... Anyone know?

Re: Register

Bravenet offers 35 different services in any combination with two or more possible service levels for each. Why should they reserve web space for you if you don't tell them you want it? For all they know you may want the other 34 services to use on a site hosted elsewhere.

When you log in and reach the members area there is an array of icons to register each service that you want at the level you want. They are all there.

Re: Register

Peter.... I don't need anything like a counter, music etc..... But i did take the counter and i still can't open an area to work in.....

Re: Register

Go to site maintenance. Also read at the top of this forum what Sticky writes. He has suggestions on how to get started.

I hope this helps.