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Help upgrading

I have been thinking seriously about upgrading my site.

I have some problems though. Someone else has just started using my name for a domain name this has happened before.

This has happened to me before. I had the name AWEBS and as soon as it went up someone overseas took it.

Can I have a free site and a pay site both? That way I can link into between the two sites.

I understand you can have more than one site with bravenet.

I have already prepared some and uploaded banners for my free site for banner exchange.

Re: Help upgrading

Yep you can. Keep this account as is. When you decide to upgrade create a completley new account with different user name and password..etc with your new domain. Then create links to get from one to the other.

Re: Help upgrading

look,go to and make your site their,and then simply make a paying site here.

Re: Help upgrading

Thanks for info!

Big help