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I can upload but can not visit, why?

I hope the masters in this forum can kindly give me an advice.

I have uploaded total website to the space by ftp. But I can not visit the web.

In IE, the cannot be found.


Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

Try arranging so we can see your website, like somehow giving us your URL?

Cannot tell with just your words what is the problem.

Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

Many thanks, maybe you can kindly try to visit follwing url

I tried from the first day, but always an error.

If you can check by ftp, you might fint that under the folder, several files have been uploaded.

Thank you agian for you kind reply.

Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

The People's Republic of China does not allow its people to view Bravenet

Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

haha, it is really funny.
So you can see it while I cann't not.

Many thanks, now I am much more curious than before about bravenet.

Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

Yes, I can see your site and it is very well done. Its too bad your government will not allow you access. Maybe you can ask one of your officials (it is the PEOPLES republic, right? Or maybe not...

Many Thanks

Many thanks to Mr./Ms. webspeaker and Mr./Ms. macmac

And thanks for your kindness and take time to found out this problem.

Now I know it is not a problem of bravenet. And in fact it is not a problem of my web design.

And I would like to give anybody a hand on web design within my very limited knowledges.

Re: I can upload but can not visit, why?

I met the same problem as yours. I am Chinese. So I know why. The bad government limits our access to
