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My site new links

Hi i have posted i had a new ancestry site.I have just added some links where you can get free info on your searches.I figured this would be an excellent way for those who could not afford to pay to get info.I ran across these doing my own research and thought they would be good for others doing their research.I am still looking for other free site and will add as i find them.So visit my site and tell me what you think.And if you would like me to search for you i will need surnames and dates of when they were born and where they were born at ect.please inquire in my forum.I check it everyday.And leave contact info if you want me to search for you.My site is a sharing site with the info that i want to let others know.Thanks and happy hunting to those whom like to do it on there own like me.I'm no pro thou.

Re: My site new links

well u can post ur links an any others under mty ring sites on my webpage

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