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Meta tags in

I've bever used this before so I'm not sure how it works, I appologize. The wizard tells me to paste my meta tags into the of my HTML and I have no idea what that is or how to do it. Is there anyone out there who can lend a girl a little help??
Please email me, I'll take anything ; )

Re: Meta tags in

Hey im having the same problem trying to insert my meta tags its not that i don't know how to do it its bravenet itself. See you have to insert your meta tags into the part of your website but if you try to do this it won't work you cannot format anything in the web editor. Sorry im still trying to figure this one out.

Re: Meta tags in

Thanks for info and trying to help Justin. Let me know if you find anything else out, I'm still having a hard time with it. Also let me know if there's "anything" I can do to help with anything you're having a "hard" time with... ; )

Re: Meta tags in

You both have a similar problem. You both are using the Website Wizard which limits access to the of your document, where the meta tags belong. But your problems are also different because Tia is using the Blue Wizard and Justin is using the Red Wizard.

In the Blue Wizard management area, there is a link that says "website details". The fields on this page generate "keyword", "description", and "author" meta tags and put them in all your pages automatically. You don't need to use that extra meta tag generator.

The Red Wizard doesn't have this option, but you can manually insert your meta tags in one of the content areas, using the Code Editor mode. Other than not being strictly HTML compliant, I found nothing on the web that said they wouldn't work. Part of the reason that they are in the of the document is because browsers do not display that information. But I think the newer browsers do not have this problem. I tried it on one of my test sites. The meta tags inserted in the main content area fine and were not visable from Netscape or Internet Explorer.

Re: Meta tags in

Thanks for the help!