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Please Help!

Hello everyone I'm Newone
I'm really green when it comes to doing websites I thought I was changing some information on one of my pages on my website and now see somehow it is on the net.

Please is there someone that can tell me how I can start again on changes now that it is on the net??

I have tried to change the pages add stuff etc and I'm at a real loss on how to do this cut and paste thing...I thought it was contol c that was copy and control v was to paste but it is not working..i'm so confused please someone help me???

Thanks kindly in advance.

Re: Please Help!

you have to highlight the information you want to copy and paste first...the easier way to do this (if you are using pc) is click your mouse at the first letter of the text you want to copy and then drag the mouse down to the last word of the text you want to copy release the clicker on your mouse your words should be highlighted (usually dark blue) and then right click (click the right side of the mouse) and a drop down will appear with the words copy click it, then go to where you want to paste it and right click again this time the words paste will appear click it and then wait a few seconds and the words you pasted will appear..practice makes perfect