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new website does not work

I just registered and set up a website here two days ago(I followed the wizard approach). But it does not work at all. The browser keeps telling me "could not locate the server". May anyone here tell me what happened? Thanks. bianque

Re: new website does not work

Works for me. Looking at the topic does make me ask if you are located in the Peoples Republic of China as the Chinese government does not permit access to sites hosted at Bravehost.

Re: Re: new website does not work

really? why? are the sites hosted at Bravehost containing bad infomation? Anyway, thanks for your reply.

Re: new website does not work

my website didn't work . wrote a note here and they delteted it.
No free speech here

Re: new website does not work

are you sure that you 'published'the website--there are a couple of pages that you have to go through to actually get it published. when you see the little wizard that tells you congrats you have published the site,then you know you did it right :D

Re: new website does not work

mine won't work either.