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How do I upload fonts to my file manager?

I downloaded some fonts that I want to use on my website, however I can't figure out how to download them to my file manager. They are very odd fonts that I know people wont have on their computers. Please let me know how I do this. Thanks!

Re: How do I upload fonts to my file manager?

Assuming you have the paid service

1. You reference the fonts in whatever stylesheet you are using (this may take a little coding skill)
2. You upload the files to your web space in the normal way.
3. You create a home page that does NOT use the fonts with a link to the files and a message to visitors saying that they must download these fonts and install them before they can look at your site
4. Visitor replies with two words, the second one being "off".

Fonts are part of your PC set up, you can reference them in a stylesheet but the visitor must have them installed before they can use them. At worst your site will be unreadable to most people.

Re: How do I upload fonts to my file manager?