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Free Web Hosting For Dummies!

I am having problems setting up my site. The setup instructions are not as simple as they say. You would think that Bravenet would do a better job with the setup instructions. I was thinking about upgrading to pro but I can't even set up the free site. I guess I'll continue to pull my hair out until I get it right.
Not must help either from some of the posts I have read. The big issue for me is cut/paste in the page content.

Re: Free Web Hosting For Dummies!

The big issue is cut/paste? Sorry that is a basic keyboard skill, if you can't hack that it isn't Bravenet's fault.

Re: Free Web Hosting For Dummies!

I can cut and paste. The problem Is that when I paste the code anywhere on the page it changes the layout of the page.

Re: Free Web Hosting For Dummies!

Lets see if this helps you, I hope so.

1. Log in to your account.
2. Go to what you want to paste such as this day in history and so forth click on it.
3. Click on copy/paste code

4. Log back in to your account
5. Click manage hosting
6. Click website wizards
7. Click manage website
8. Click on edit content
9. Click on edit content block
10. Click Code Editor in your block widow
11. If there is just one line of code in your widow erase it.
12. on your keyboard hit Ctrl V, then several pieces of code should appear.
13. Then Save your changes and publish your site.

I hope this works, their info sometimes is not good.

Re: Free Web Hosting For Dummies!


If you gave us the URL of a page that shows your problem, it would be easier for us to determine the problem. However, the usual cause for your layout changing, is the content is too large for the content area. This is common when users try to insert a graphic that is larger than the content area width, which is usually defined in a style setting.

This is also common when you insert some of the services. The Headline News service, for example, creates a small window to display the news. The width is controllable from within the Headline News service manager. When you set the width of the display window, you have to take into account the basic width definition of the content area, and any padding that might be added by other styles.

Give us something to look at and maybe we can help further.

Re: Free Web Hosting For Dummies!

Thanks Jamie and guys hit the nail right on the head. Those were the problems I was having. I was trying to cut & paste the headline news in a small area and it changed the page layout because it was too large. Also I had to logged in back and forth during cut & paste and page editing. I finally figured it out. It's a little bit trickier than how bravenet explains it.
Thanks again guys.