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U R G E N T... Re; BANNED IP's


I had a problem with some idiot that kept plaguing my FORUM with harassing messages. I found out that he was using three (3) IP's: one.. a private one, with a certain HOST (I got the name). The other two showed a certain University as the HOST. When I confronted him with this info, he finally stoped harrassing us.

Now he's back, and the IP he's using shows as;

"IP exists but does not resolve to a host name".

Does anybody know what this means? Does it mean he's using an ilegal IP to continue harrassing us?

Any ideas will be MOST appreciated.

Thank you one and all.

Re: U R G E N T... Re; BANNED IP's

Somebody.. any ideas please??

Re: U R G E N T... Re; BANNED IP's

He might be using a proxy server to hide his IP. There isn't realy much you can do unless you password protect your site or forum. The one that they give you for free on bravenet isn't a good forum. You should try going with one at then you can link to it. It is much more customizable and can have password protection, and have where only members can post, and you can block ip addresses.

Re: U R G E N T... Re; BANNED IP's

Thanks Rex.

My FORUM is PRO, and I do have the option to block IP's as well as password protect. But that doesn't work for our FORUM situation.

Thanks again. I appreciate your willingness to help.
