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No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

I started my website as the free version. I wanted to change it to pro, so no advertising.
On June 21 , I paid for the pro upgrade and the transfer domain . It is now July 11 th. The paid version never happened. When I put in the .com site it immediately went to the free site with the pop-ups.
I have opened probably close to 10 support tickets. Absolutely NO RESPONSE FROM Bravnet. I thought if I deleted everything in the .com site I would delete the freesite.
I still have the freesite but no more paid site, not that I ever had one to begin with.
So how many people have been ripped off like me. What do they do take your money and run ?
I thought setting up a website would be fun instead of being fun it has been a nightmare. At this point I am willing to suck up the loss and move on.
Are there any other places to create websites . I am brand new at this and I don't need the frustration of being ripped off again !

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

I hear ya. This has been nothing but a pain in the but!!!!!!!! I search the postings for help but nothing seems to help. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! but, we all know that is a joke too.

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

If there are ever any problems when setting up/upgrading to a Professional hosting account, we will extend the term to begin from when we fixed it.

Your website seems to be working fine now.

If you are still having trouble, please delete all of your temporary internet files and cookies, reopen your web browser and try again.

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

What I did was deleted as much as I could then I thought what I would do is create a subdomain and redo everything. So I am hoping that will work.
It would have been helpful from bravenet is when I transfered to pro domain they could have given me directions.
eg. 1} When transfering to pro domain you have to transfer the free to the pro...I don't even know if that is true or not
2} to delete the free version you have to do such and such. Or you can't delete the free version so you have to do such and such and change whatever.
It would be very useful to have clear directions.
When I bought the pro version for photos I was under the impression that the pop up ads would be deleted on yhe main page as well . It took a couple of weeks to have that support ticket answered. By then my frustration level was high. But if it said at the very beginning that yes you bought the pro version of the ads will appear on that page but will con't on your main page until you pay for the basic site. If Bravenet gave more direction as to the expectations it would be a hell of alot easier. I have never done this in my life before so I don't know what to expect.
When I followed the web wizards it made it easy. Why can't something like that be done when you go from free to pro. A step by step set up of what to do. I still don't have a clue what the parent folder is. I have played around trying to find out, but I still don't know.
The only way I have been able to do this is by trying different things out to see if they work. I have rec'd absolutely no help from anyone at bravenet.I don't believe that actual human beings work there. I don't believe that anyone will follow up on my advice and make this site user friendly. The only reason I kept on trying to sort this out myself is because you can't get your money back. I will still con't not to recommend bravenet to people like myself who are new at this website thing. I will tell them to find a place that is geared to people who have no experience at setting up a website.

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

The website "pro" version which I have paid for as well as transfer which I have also paid for is NOT THERE.
Bravenet traffic exchange can't even find

So you don't know what you are talking about when you say that my website seems to be working There are still ads on my "pro version" which I paid for on June 21.It is still the same non functioning website .
Still haven't had a support ticket answered since I bought the site !!!!!!!

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

Coal replied to your ticket on the 8th of july. The ticket contains personal details so I won't post it here.

I replied to it again so a new notification will get sent to your email address.

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

I didn't or haven't rec'd any emails from bravenet, so thank you for responding.
If you type in my website for google search it doesn't come up or the free version will.Bravenet traffice exchange ( I have tried numerous times ) says it can't find .com.
I don't know what to do. So I am so FRUSTRATED in trying everything. So if you could resend my email. I do get the emails that say no respnse from bravenet. I have lots of those ! So thank you and don't take my anger and frustration personally. I just don't know what more I can do !!

Re: No one at Bravenet is listening or helping !!

I have tried working on the site again. When I tried , it came up that the website was not configured yet.
I have also sent back all the no replies. I can give you all the ticket numbers if you would like. But I didn't rec' any emails from anyone at bravenet. I checked when I sent all the emails of No Reply back to bravenet !