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uploadin it

hiya people, lissen, ne one know how to upload ma stye, a mean, u no wen a go on it, the actual syte a mean, it says unda construction, the owner ov this website has not uploaded their syte yet, a wanna du it but a dnt no how?? ne ideasss???????

Re: uploadin it

When a user registers for a site, that page is inserted in their web space and named "index.html". It it there as a place holder until such time as the site owner uploads his/her web pages and replaces it.

If you are creating your pages on you local PC, you need to upload you pages to your web site and make sure that your home page is named "index.html" or "index.htm". You can upload using the FTP Applet or the File Manager. The File Manager can be user to rename and edit files, as necessary.

You can also use one of Bravenet's free templates and then edit it from within the File Manager. Again, you need to be sure that your home page is named "index.html".

If you don't want to deal with templates, or the File Manager, you can use one of the Website Wizards. The Wizards will take care of creating the correctly named files when you use the internal "publish" option.