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I finally got the file manager to do my site the way I want it. But to publish it, I have to upload it. How? How do you upload it? When I push the upload button, it goes into my computer files.

Re: Uploading

If you are editing your pages from within the File Manager, your pages are already published. The act of "publishing" is simply a automated FTP process for writing your web pages to your web site. The pages you see, and edit, from within the File Manager are already on your web site. When you save your changes, your page is immediately available to the internet.

When you press the upload button, it is suppose to go to your local disk drive. The act of uploading is to transfer a file from your local PC to your web site. If you are editing your pages in the File Manager, you don't need to upload anything, unless you need to move some images and things.

Re: Uploading

Thanks for your help.