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wysiwyg= don't want

i dont want a wysiwyg. is that all that bravenet has? if so can anyone tell me of a free place that doesnt limit a person to a wysiwyg?

Re: wysiwyg= don't want

Bravenet don't limit you at all. You can user any of hundreds of web editors with Bravenet both WYSIWYG and straight HTML. A quick search using your favourite search engine should find dozens of web editors and they will all work with Bravenet. You can either use the File Manager to upload your completed pages or use an FTP program.

Re: wysiwyg= don't want

ok then how do i get one that isn't wysiwyg and know wheter or not that's what i'm getting?

Re: Re: wysiwyg= don't want

Try Arachnophilia - it was free last time I looked, or just use Notepad.