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It's why that my website can't be visited.

It's why that my website can't be visited.I've just finished the upload of the file of "Index.htm".Then I try to visit it.However,it can't be visited.Should I wait for a few hours befor I can visit my website?
Please help me!!!Thank you!

Browser: 517144719

Re: It's why that my website can't be visited.

Wait until you have a new government. Under Chinese law you are not permitted to view sites hosted at Bravehost.

Re: It's why that my website can't be visited.

Does it mean that I can't build a website like this?
But my friends have built websites with the help of bravehost.How can I own it?What should I do,if I want to.Thank you!

Browser: 517144719

Re: Re: It's why that my website can't be visited.

You can build the site, you just can't view it direct from China.

There are ways to relay requests through proxies to access blocked sites. Anybody in China who knows how to do this will be able to see your site. I would suggest raising a support ticket as Bravenet are aware of the issue and may be able to give you technical advice.

Re: It's why that my website can't be visited.

Thank you for you advices,Peter.My ICQ is 237999088,you are a kind person.We can became friends.

Browser: 237999088