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Still Need Big Help Guys!

Ok I am going to explain this as best I can.When I click on website wizard everything is good I click on edit pages and I then write what I want (etc)then I publish it to the internet and I go to my site it is'nt there so then I went down to preview and publish clicked on that and everything I wrote is there,

so my question is I dont want my stuff that I wrote to appear on the link I wrote above I want it to appear on my main site but it wont let me

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

*cough* anybody *cough*

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

iunno, I see ur site fine.

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

Your browser is showing you an older cached version of your webpage.

To fix this, you can delete your web browser's temporary internet files, and then reopen it and try again.

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

still nothing

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

try refreshing the page.

Re: Still Need Big Help Guys!

Did you save it?