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sites not showing up on search engine

Just last week Google had my site listed on it when i typed in the site's URL. but now, my site doesnt show up, even when i type in the URL and click 'Feeling Lucky'. I had not signed up for any search engine things or even made META Tags when the search engine worked. I havent changed anything but now it doesnt work. whats wrong?

Re: sites not showing up on search engine

Google change their ranking algorithms about once a year. This can have drastic effects on a site's position in the searches. A while back a site of mine went from number 3 to number 50 on a key search arguement overnight.

Post a link to the site and people can have a look.

Re: sites not showing up on search engine

it still isnt showing up at all. ive been waiting for a while too. its not the ranking im concerned about, but the fact that it doesnt show up at all.

Re: sites not showing up on search engine

do a hypersybmit it will cost you some money but they will give you the right meta tags and submit you to over 3000+ search engines every month so you stay on the list you can do it somewhere here on bravenets webpage dont remember where exactly ... lol

oh and also they have a good support